
情感语录2024-04-29 10:15:193
1、今日的你是你从前习惯的结果,今日的习惯成就明日的你。 Today's you are the result of your former habits, and today's habits will make you tomorrow. 2、你从来不知道,你是我日复一日的美梦。 You never know that you are my dream day after day. 3、其实自恋的人很聪明,因为爱上自己永远不会受伤。 In fact, narcissistic people are very smart, because falling in love with themselves will never hurt. 4、别总拿自己的饱经风霜的脸说事,美的不突出,丑的不别致。 Don't always take your weathered face to talk about things, the beautiful is not outstanding, the ugly is not chic. 5、悲伤不必弄得众人皆知,除非你真的很爱做小丑。 Sadness doesn't have to be known unless you really love being a clown. 6、实现梦想的方法简单,就是冒着风险直接去干! The way to realize your dream is to take the risk and do it directly! 7、在你最回味的旅程里,我才能给你的独家微笑。 In your most memorable journey, I can give you an exclusive smile. 8、那一季风偷恋花的香气,这一季你又住进谁的心。 That monsoon stealthily loves the fragrance of flowers, whose heart do you live in this season. 9、快乐和伤悲没什么分别,心碎到终点会迎刃而解。 There is no difference between happiness and sadness. Heartbreak can be easily solved at the end. 10、轻易不要借钱,也轻易不要借给别人钱,除非你不指着他还。 Don't borrow money easily, and don't lend money to others unless you don't point to him. 11、诚信是人最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花。 Honesty is the most beautiful coat and the most holy flower in the soul. 12、人生的意义在于创造,除了创造,剩下的全都是碌碌无为。 The meaning of life lies in creation. In addition to creation, all the rest is mediocre. 13、不论多么死正经的男人,都会有死不正经的另一面。 No matter how serious a man is, there is another side to it. 14、没有什么如果当初,不管重来多少次,人生都肯定有遗憾。 There is nothing if at the beginning, no matter how many times, life must have regrets. 15、堆积了多少无可奈何与无能为力,才会想通和顺其自然。 Accumulation of how much helpless and powerless, will think through and let it go. 16、在这个世界上,没有人真正可以对另一个人的伤痛感同身受。 In this world, no one can really feel the pain of another person. 17、团结、友爱、诚实、自主、自立、力争做个诚实自信的孩子。 Unity, fraternity, honesty, independence, self-reliance, strive to be an honest and confident child. 18、内心强大,才能道歉,但要更强大,才无需别人道歉。 If you are strong, you can apologize, but if you are stronger, you don't need to be apologized. 19、有時候人生像是一場賭局一樣,不是你贏就是我輸。 Sometimes life is like a gamble, either you win or I lose. 20、总有人比你好看,比你聪明,比你年轻,但没人能取代你。 There will always be someone better looking, smarter, younger than you, but no one can replace you. 21、最难忍受的孤独莫过于缺少真正的友谊。 The most unbearable loneliness is the lack of true friendship. 22、最高的享受就是完成别人认为你无法完成的事。 The highest enjoyment is to do what others think you can't. 23、如果你没有遇到挫折,你就永远不会懂得自己的力量有多大。 If you don't encounter setbacks, you will never know how powerful you are. 24、道理很简单,远离让你难受的人,靠近令你舒服的人。 The truth is simple: stay away from the people who make you uncomfortable and stay close to the people who make you comfortable. 25、所有的结局都已写好,所有的泪水也都已启程。 All the endings have been written and all the tears have set off. 26、无论我变得如何强大,你仍然是我的弱点。 No matter how strong I become, you are still my weakness. 27、不幸就像石头,弱者把看成绊脚石,强者把它当成垫脚石。 Misfortune is like a stone. The weak regard it as a stumbling block, while the strong regard it as a stepping stone. 28、美好的一天,上帝不会就这样给你,需要自己去创造。 God doesn't give you a good day like this. You need to create it yourself. 29、我们在人生路上跌跌撞撞,不过是想要一种安定的生活,足矣。 We stumble on the road of life, but want a stable life, enough. 30、不要随便说自己没时间,时间都是挤出来的。 Don't casually say that you don't have time. Time is squeezed out. 31、你的男人,姐指定看不上,姐的男人,你根本玩不起。 Your man, elder sister designated not to look up to, elder sister's man, you can't afford to play. 32、不要跟过去的自己比,期待未来的自己,还有,珍惜现在的自己。 Don't compare yourself with the past, look forward to the future of yourself, and cherish the present. 33、成熟由两部分组成,一半是对美好的追求,一半是对残缺的接纳。 Maturity consists of two parts, one is the pursuit of beauty, the other is the acceptance of imperfection. 34、如果一颗心寒了,千言万语都很难在捂热。 If a cold heart, thousands of words are difficult to cover the heat. 35、如果有一天你喝醉了,你会想打电话给谁? If you were drunk one day, who would you like to call? 36、岁不寒,无以知松柏;事不难,无以知小人。 If you are not cold, you can't know the pines and cypresses; if things are not difficult, you can't know villains. 37、你不喜欢我了以后,有很长一段时间我也很不喜欢自己。 After you don't like me, I don't like myself for a long time. 38、当你失败了,就把它作为人生财富;成功了,就是财富人生。 When you fail, take it as your life's wealth; if you succeed, it's a life of wealth. 39、每个成功的男人背后,都会有一个吃饱了没事做的女人。 Behind every successful man, there will be a woman who is full and has nothing to do. 40、学会接受百味人生,时光深处,轻握一份懂得。 Learn to accept the taste of life, deep time, light grasp a understand. 41、没有青春的爱情有何滋味?没有爱情的青春有何意义? What is the taste of love without youth? What is the meaning of youth without love? 42、在将来回忆现在的时候,就会少很多不必要的遗憾和后悔。 In the future, when recalling the present, there will be a lot less unnecessary regret and regret. 43、人没钱时候,很容易被欺负,被看不起,被远离,这是社会常态。 When people have no money, they are easy to be bullied, looked down upon and kept away from. This is the social norm. 44、人的一生不能虚度,做自己能够做的事才是有趣又有用的人生。 People's life can not be wasted, do what they can do is an interesting and useful life. 45、放心吧!这一刻你放不下的人和事,岁月都会替你轻描淡写。 Don't worry! This moment you can't let go of people and things, years will be for you to understate. 46、总不能用一身的刺去拥抱无辜的人,认识就够了,何必谈余生。 You can't embrace innocent people with a whole body of thorns. It's enough to know. Why talk about the rest of your life. 47、散了就是散了,不管如何拼凑都不再如当初那般完美。 Scattered is scattered, no matter how pieced together, it is no longer as perfect as it was. 48、成熟的人需要面具,戴上坚强面对社会,摘下温柔面对家人。 Mature people need masks, put on the strong face of society, take off the gentle face of family. 49、看庭前花开花落,荣辱不惊,望天上云卷云舒,去留无意。 Look at the flowers in front of the court, honor and disgrace are not surprised, look at the sky clouds roll cloud Shu, to stay unintentionally. 50、生命对某些人来说是美丽的,这些人的一生都为某个奋斗。 Life is beautiful for some people, who struggle for someone all their life. 51、什么都是短暂的,只有怀念和失去是漫长的。 Everything is short, only miss and lose is long. 52、一个人的福气,不是天注定,而是靠自己一点一滴养成的。 A person's fortune is not predestined by heaven, but is formed by oneself bit by bit. 53、只有真正了解别人痛苦的人,才能尽心为别人做的事。 Only those who really understand the pain of others can devote themselves to doing things for others. 54、扶危周急固为美事。能不自夸,则其德厚矣! It's a good thing to support the dangerous Zhou. Can not boast, then its virtue is thick! 55、看着别人笑了自己也就笑了,明明就不快乐,却莫名的被牵引着。 Looking at others smile, they also smile, clearly not happy, but inexplicably pulled. 56、努力就是光,成功就是影。没有光哪儿来影? Effort is light, success is shadow. Where is the shadow without light? 57、我不怕痛苦,只怕丢掉倔强,我不怕磨难,只怕失去你。 I am not afraid of pain, just afraid of losing stubborn, I am not afraid of suffering, just afraid of losing you. 58、师太,披上老衲的袈裟后,你就是老衲的人了。 Abbess, after you put on my cassock, you will be my man. 59、命运是不可改变的,可以改变的只是我们对命运的态度。 Destiny is unchangeable. What can be changed is our attitude towards it. 60、平常人生要用寻常的心去看待,你的人生将会更出众。 Ordinary life to use the ordinary heart to look at, your life will be more outstanding.



